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Navigating Adolescence with Your Teen

Parents and caregivers, if you are struggling with connecting, communicating, and understanding your teen. This page is for you!

How can I help?

Do you find yourself stuck with raising a teenager? Do you often question if you are doing enough? Do you need help navigating the teen years, adjustments, changes that inevitably come with adolescence? I'm here to help! I want to work closely with you to improve your relationship with your teenager. Working with me will feel like a supportive conversation with meaningful, impactful insight on the neuroscience of a teens brain, how to communicate better with your teen, and helping you to unpack the heaviness that comes with all of this change!

I work closely with parents and caregivers to remind them to QTIP-- Quit Taking It Personally, amongst other techniques for navigating the changing world of adolescence. I am here to provide space for you to let go of the societal pressure and parent shaming, and instead sit with you and be with you as you navigate raising an opinionated, strong, and resilient human. 

Connection, Communication, Understanding

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