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If you are over the age of 12, struggling with the changes that come with this life transition and needing support as you grapple with all the transitions that happen as you grow into an adult. This section is for you!

How can I help?

I specialize in working with teens, ages 12 and up. I work closely to create a feeling of safety and understanding with my clients. I love working with this age because of all of the transitions and changes that goes on at this time in life. I love to help bring perspective to my clients lives as we delve into experiences that might still have a hold on you, or worries that consume your brain. I have a lot of experience working with teens struggling with anxiety, depression, self-harm, body image, stress, life transitions, and communication. 

Growing up, my adolescence was particularly difficult. If I could go back and tell my younger self one thing, it would be to enjoy the present moments more. Be present. Leave the past in the past. And buckle up! I'm here to support you and give you perspective that might help alleviate the pain that comes with all of these life transitions. Working with me will feel like a safe place to vent and let out your frustrations with a trusted professional with an aim to help guide your choices and be with you as you find your own answers to the questions in life that you struggle with. 

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