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If you are over the age of 18, this page is for you!

How Can I Help?

You've already done a lot of work. You've identified your patterns, you know why and what experiences lead you to react certain ways, but you're still stuck. You need someone to hold you accountable, cheer you on, AND is trained in the helping profession to produce real change. You are looking for someone you feel comfortable with and that GETS you. 

Hello, I am here to help you lead the life you desire. I want to help you be the self that you want and envision. With my relational nature, you will feel welcomed and cared for. With my ability to hold you accountable, I will call you out when your behaviors are different than what you are looking for in life. With my skills, you can learn more about yourself and lead to the answers you seek. I want to help you build a life you are excited about. I want to help you love yourself again. I would be honored to join this journey through life. Contact me today for a free 15 minute phone consultation to get a feel for who I am and let me know what you are looking for in therapy!

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